"All the photos in this article were taken on private land, authorised roads or official competitions. It is important to preserve our environment."

4x4 Travel  - Len & Jerry

4x4 life, without a filter!


Lena and Jeremy are 24 and 28 and passionate about travelling, outdoor life and 4x4s.

After years of dreaming about this trip, they’ve finally entered the great community of 4x4 travellers!

"We are so grateful to be able to carry out this project. To be able to meet the citizens of the world. To be able to discover their faces, their cultures and their ways of life far from stigmatization and stereotypes!"


Some of their destinations have worried their friends and family, but they believe in the universal goodness of Man and are sure that this trip will amaze them much more than it will endanger them.

Their journey is going to be without filters, we will discover with them the authentic face of the countries and cultures they encounter.



Bon, voyage Lena and Jerry!

On the road



March & April - Back to the Emirates & Sultanate of Oman

January & February - End of Sultanate of Oman and India


Late October - December

After Saudi Arabia, our travellers are enjoying the beauty of the Sultanate of Oman.

September & October - Back to Saudi Arabia

After a long summer break, our travellers are back in the hearth of Saudi Arabia.

Back to adventure aboard their Toyota LC KDJ95!


November - Last days in Iran

October - Qeshm Island (Iran)

August & September - Iran

Let's meet them!


Is 24 originally from Normandy but grew up in Orleans.

She’s been artistic since she was a child and went on to study art, fashion design and leather crafts in Paris.

Her stay there was short as the desire to travel around the world and get closer to nature took over.


Is 28 and from Orleans.

He didn’t leave his home town until he was 22 when he went to Île-de-France to study to become a building engineer. Jeremy and Lena share a passion for travel, hiking and adventure so it was only natural that they should head off together. Firstly, on several summer trips around Europe and now on their biggest adventure around the world.

"We’ve left our jobs, our new home is called Milo, and for the next few years we’ll be travelling the world."


They left Paris in October 2021. Here’s their journey to date (August 2022).

"Our destinations for the next few months are mapped out but after that, it’s hard to say. The pandemic and geopolitical conflicts have taught us not to plan too far ahead. Everything is constantly changing so we have to adapt our route!"

Their vehicle

Milo is a 2001 Toyota Land Cruiser KDJ95 that had 249,000 km on the clock when they bought it.

The search for a round-the-world vehicle is not easy. Lena and Jeremy thought long and hard before settling on a Land cruiser.

Comfort wasn’t a priority as they will be living outside a lot. The Toyota was their favourite, the price, the look and the layout, it's has everything they were looking for!


  • Manual gearbox
  • Empty weight: 2,020 Kg
  • Total weight with fittings: 2,750 Kg
  • Tank: 80 litres
  • Consumption: 10 L / 100 km
  • Engine: 4 cylinders
  • Fiscal horsepower: 11 horsepower


  • Craft roof tent
  • skylight
  • 140 Watt solar panel
  • 90 litres additional diesel tank
  • 60-litre water tank
  • 12V Optima 55Ah Slow Cycle Auxiliary Battery
  • 220V socket
  • 5 12 V sockets (cigarette lighter and USB)
  • 12V Compressor Refrigerator
  • Compressor
  • Multiple storage
  • Folding table in the trunk door
  • Shower (with hot water)
  • Adaptable Awning to the rear and side of the vehicle
  • LED lighting systems

Follow Len & Jerry on:

YT : LenetJerry

IG : @lenetjerry

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