Why change the glow plugs?

Like many car parts, glow plugs have to be changed after a certain time or they risk causing damage. Some of the signs that it’s time to change them are:

Difficult or even impossible starting depending on the state of wear

Excessive fuel consumption and engine problems (for “post-heating” type glow plugs in particular)

Discharge of polluting particles, a common reason for failing the MOT.

Generally, their service life is about 120,000 km. However, this can depend on several factors such as the brand, the frequency with which the vehicle is started or even weather conditions.

Even if only one glow plug is faulty, it is important to change all the glow plugs at the same time, in order to avoid an imbalance between the cylinders when you start your 4x4.

In this article, we explain step by step how to change the glow plugs of your vehicle.

We are changing the glow plugs on a Nissan Patrol Y61.

This tutorial is valid for a number of 4x4 models.


To change the glow plugs on your 4x4, you’ll need:

  • 8 & 10mm spanners
  • 12mm  pipe spanner
  • 12mm box spanner
  • Flat screwdriver
  • Adjustable spanner


To give you an idea of the level of difficulty of our tutorials, we have rated them from 1 to 5.

Changing the glows plugs on a 4x4 is a level 2 job.


1 - After removing the plastic cover, remove the intercooler by simply loosening the 2 clamps and removing the 4 bolts from the exchanger.

2 - This is what it looks like.

3 - To gain access to the 2 glow plugs located near the firewall, the air intake must be removed. To do this, remove the 3 bolts as in the photo above. Be careful not to damage the seal when removing the air intake.

4 - Now we have access to the 2 glow plugs.

5 - Perform these steps in order:

1: remove the 4 bakelite nuts

2: remove the metal strip serving as a conductor

3: do not forget to reconnect this wire when reassembling

6 - Remove the Bakelite cover which acts as a seal (1 in the photo above), use the pliers.

7 - Using the 12mm pipe spanner, remove the first glow plug. You can use a flat spanner (for example 18mm) to lever it out if necessary.

Put the new glow plug in, be careful, it's fragile. Then the bakelite protection.

Repeat the same operation for the other 3 plugs. 

8 - When you have replaced the 4 glow plugs, put back the metal strip serving as a conductor, the power wire and the bakelite nuts. Then reassemble the remaining parts and finish by putting the plastic cover back on.


Find the glow plugs to suit your vehicle :

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