4x4 Meeting - Les Comes

Les Comes, "The" Meeting!


Were looking forward to The Comes, one of the biggest all makes meeting in Europe.

Its a great place to spend the weekend with the family with activities for the children and the adults.

More than a 1,000 vehicles will be making the most of the superb 4x4 atmosphere and the extensive tracks on this impressive site. The international  public will have a great fun at this top class meeting!


Don’t miss it on the 11th  and 12th of March 2017! 

In pictures!

Our stand

Out and about at Les Comes!

(source: Euro4x4parts)

In video

Where is it?

Les Comes is located between the cities of Súria, Callús and Castellnou de Bages, in Catalonia (Spain).

The 4x4 Festival aims to become one of the most important events for 4x4 enthusiasts. A meeting point where professionals and amateurs can share their experiences in an impressive setting: 520 hectares and 60 kilometres of marked tracks!

A site for everyone!

The numerous facilities offer the public perfect conditions to enjoy the event or for off-roading.

In addition, the size of the terrain allows the organization to propose different 4x4 activities: initiation areas, trial areas, circuits, mud ponds and difficult technical zones. Theres also an area dedicated to the Land Rover Experience. The different levels of difficulty on the tracks are indicated by arrows: green, red, black and brown.

Theres loads to do!

  • A commercial area that brings together many of the most important 4x4 dealers and a number of off-roading exhibitors.
  • A camping site.
  • A large restaurant tent.
  • An activity area with archery, bouncy castle, climbing wall, SatNav courses and an exhibition of trial and Dakar vehicles...)

(source : www.lescomes4x4festival.com)

Take a look at the previous edition

Find out more HERE.

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All the photos in this article were taken on authorized roads or tracks, private land, or during supervised competitions. Let's all do our part to preserve the environment!